You’re exhausted.

Maybe it’s the day after a 10 hour wedding. Or it’s midweek and the work of the past few days has worn you down a bit.

Whatever the reason for your lower than normal energy levels you need a little boost for yourself. The bottom line, you can’t give your best to others if you haven’t given yourself a little TLC.

Over the years I learned of 3 things that give me a boost when I need it.


This is literally the easiest thing you can possibly do: Drink water. One of the main reasons we lack energy after a long day of shooting (wedding hangovers) is a direct result of being dehydrated.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is drink about 8 cups of water throughout the day. Personally, I try to drink that before noon or 1pm post wedding. For extra credit, make this to really pump your body of liquids. I make 3 bottles of this the day before a wedding because I know I won’t have the energy to make a batch the day after.

For a more simple solution, sprinkle a pinch of salt into your water to help your cells retain that H2O. If you’d like to understand how that works, read this article.


There are more and more studies saying the body and mind respond positively to time spent outside and in nature. If you’re feeling sluggish, get outside for a few. Breathe some fresh air, soak in some vitamin D. I will always feel better after a walk, even if it’s rainy or overcast.

And not to brag, but here in San Diego, a quick drive to beach is an unmatched remedy for feeling sluggish.


I’ve been incredibly resistant to meditating. For whatever reason I thought it to be hippy-dippy and not really something I could get into.

However, after defining how it could work for me, I’m a fan.

There are multiple reasons for giving it a try, but in this context, it’s extremely rejuvenating for your body. a 3 to 5 minute session can do wonders for your energy levels and focus.

Meditation does take time to get use to. I’m still in that learning process. But what I’ve experienced so far is quite rewarding.

Any or all of these three things work really well for me when I’m feeling sluggish.

What’s your experience? Does something else works for you? Please share in the comments below.