Harnessing Your Creativity

Let’s talk about creativity and how we can harness it for ourselves and access it when we need it.

To begin this understanding we need to know about Alpha and Beta brain waves.

In a very simplified explanation, the brain operates in the Alpha or Beta wave state when we’re awake. Scientists call these waves because the brain actually uses electricity as a way for different regions of the brain to communicate with itself. That electrical current is measured in waves and Alpha gives off a different wave compared to Beta.

Again, this is very simplified.

But what’s important here is what scientists have found as a result of each wave’s activity.

Alpha waves have been associated with minds that are calm, relaxed and clear of unwanted thoughts. Athletes have coined this as ‘in the zone.’

Beta waves are found when minds are moving quickly from one thing to the next, checking lists, and generally revved up in high gear and in a more frantic state.

So, which brain wave activity to do you think helps enhance creativity and peak performance? Alpha is the answer!

And on a wedding day, what state can we find ourselves in quite easily? Beta!

But we want to stay away from beta to be our best selves and create our best work so the real question is…how can we place ourselves in an Alpha state when we need it most?

Step one is becoming familiar with the way each feels so you can create an awareness in yourself.

Research is showing that meditation, mindfulness and aerobic exercise are ways to enter into Alpha state. But these must be practiced regularly if we want to have the ability to harness them when we need it most.

So, if you’ve been procrastinating on starting a meditation routing or practice mindfulness on a regular basis, this is an excellent reason to get started.


How to hack into the alpha brain wave state

Alpha brain waves boost creativity and reduce depression